
Singapore Ability Scales

The Singapore Ability Scales (SAS) is an individually administered, comprehensive instrument designed to measure clearly identifiable abilities that are significant for learning and educational development. It is developed for use by psychologists and researchers working with the local school-age population.

The SAS provides a comprehensive and flexible means of assessing different aspects of a child’s current cognitive functioning across the age range of 5 years (5:00) to 18 years 11 months (18:11), and comprises three components: Core Scales, Diagnostic Scales, as well as Achievement Scales, which has both Age-Equivalent and Primary Level Grade Norms.

It is based on research conducted locally with 2,000 children from different age groups and school settings. The SAS was developed through a research collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Singapore and the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Grade norms are available for the Achievement Scales in Word Reading, Spelling and Number Skills from Primary 1 to Primary 6.

About SAS
SAS Singapore Ability Scales BAS3  Singapore achievement test
Intelligence test
cognitive test
ability test

Summary of the SAS

The table below provides a brief summary
of the scales featured in the SAS

SAS Scales

Abilities Measured

Core Scales

SAS Scales

Abilities Measured

Inductive reasoning: identification and application of rules governing relationships among pictures and abstract figures
Pattern Construction
Non-verbal reasoning and spatial visualisation in reproducing designs using foam squares and coloured blocks
Word Definitions
Expressive language: explanations of word meanings
Verbal Similarities
Verbal reasoning and verbal knowledge: identifying and stating similarities between three words
Quantitative Reasoning
Inductive reasoning: detection and application of rules concerning sequential patterns in dominoes and relationships between pairs of numbers
Recognition of Designs
Short-term recognition memory for visuo-spatial relationships in abstract images
Diagnostic Scales

SAS Scales

Abilities Measured

Recognition of Pictures
Short-term recognition memory for images of familiar objects
Recall of Digits Forward
Short-term auditory memory and oral recall of sequences of numbers
Recall of Objects
Short-term and intermediate verbal and visuo-spatial recall of pictures of familiar objects
Recall of Digits Backward
Working memory and oral recall of sequences of numbers
Speed of Information Processing
Speed in performing simple mental operations
Achievement Scales

SAS Scales

Abilities Measured

Number Skills
Recognition of printed numbers, performance of arithmetic operations and mathematical problem-solving
Knowledge and recall of spellings
Word Reading
Recognition (decoding) of printed words

What Makes the SAS Unique?

The SAS is the only standardised test of cognitive and scholastic abilities available in Singapore that is equipped with norms developed from a representative sample of school-age children in Singapore. It is an effective and robust psychometric tool which is efficient to administer. The SAS is culturally relevant with up-to-date local norms.

The SAS has been tailored to Singapore's local context and norms thus making it more relevant to the local population of children in both the language items, as well as in the images used. Changes have been made to the standardised verbal instructions, images and test items. They were based on feedback and analysis from field and standardisation testing with children in Singapore.

In addition to Age Equivalent Scores, the SAS also includes Achievement Scale Grade Norms for Primary 1-6. The grade norms will provide teachers and other educators a better understanding of the child's achievement level.

  • 01cognitive

    The only one in Singapore

    Only available test of cognitive and scholastic abilities standardised on Singapore school children

  • 02scholastic abilities

    Updated Contents

    A robust psychometric tool which is culturally relevant with up-to-date local norms

  • 03psychological test

    Locally Relevant

    Contents are tailored to Singapore’s local context and norms. The SAS was developed through a research collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Singapore and the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

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